for example... due to situations relating to kids shared between your partner and the ex. if it is a reverse situation in your case.... how well does your partner deal with it?Females: do you feel threatend by your partners ex/'s when they have to be dealt with?
I don't and neither does my husband now when I have to deal with my ex. An ex is usually an ex for a reason and if you give no reason for the person your with to feel threatened then they won't. You have to make sure they know they are who you want now and that the only relationship with you and your ex is because of the kids and if there were no kids there would be no relationship anymore.Females: do you feel threatend by your partners ex/'s when they have to be dealt with?
i dont feel threatened
It麓s always awkward to ';share'; kids but I made it clear to my ';co-mother'; and I that I would always consult her about big decisions. I never talk bad about her and have always reminded the kids of birthdays and other important things like calling her on a regular basis etc...
I麓ve been trying to steer around boobietraps and never imposed... the big secret seems to be respect and communication and it麓s been working for a long time! I麓m not saying it麓s easy, it麓s the total opposite, but I will work with whatever I get to make my kids happy and raise them to be the best people they can possibly become. Sounds a bit corny but that麓s just the way I see it :-D
I don't have kids, so I can't use them against someone.
HE left her. He wouldnt take her back when she tried to come back.
He chose me.
What upsets me is that he seems like he's ';hiding'; me from her. I know that nothing is going on between them, but it makes me feel like she is controlling his personal life.
I don't hink I'm feeling threatened, per say, but I DO feel like I'm put in the middle. And I don't like that.
i've been here from both ends, in my case the ex wanted to hit on me and tell me how much he still loved me but take our boys to her house, that i didn't allow because i didn't want them to become attached to someone and lose them, so i told him when he had the balls to tell me he loves her and plans to stay with her he's free to take the boys there, by the way they are still together and have been married for 15 years now! we all went to football and baseball games together and it was fine, of course i like her alot more than i like him. my next husband (lack of a better term) dealt with his situation horribly and his kid, it was bad all around and didn't work out at all. as i result i avoid putting myself in situations where i have to deal with 'other peoples children'
well mine dont have kids but we have had problems with my fiancees ex i felt threatened when she kept txting me saying that she been sleeping with him. but we sorted it out an now i know it was a lie to make me get paranoid. Just work together an talk bout any problems you have and it will help if you both sort them together as a couple.
I know my husband doesnt want to ever be with his ex again, but of course there still is an uneasy feeling when he is around her. I know he would never cheat on me, but its still there. I just remind myself that he is mine.
No, do not feel threatened, nothing to be threatened about. she's not in our lives or a part of it. Never has been. It's just the way we've always dealt with it.
you all should be I still have sex with each and everyone of my ex's till this day and I'm married.
my partner finds my relationship with my x weird , we dont get on that well but join forces to overcome any troubles our daughter. he shows signs of being a bit miffed and said the odd coment but on the whole has been very understanding to the situation.
well tyiclly i dont becasue its his problem and his gf should always be ther for him i mean i am ttally fine with my bf
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