Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you deal with still having feelings for your ex.?

We have been divorced for over 14 years, and we both have moved on.

But I still have dreams about him and even day dream that one day he will want to be back in my life.

does anyone know how to get over the ex for good?

If i knew a way to get his attention i would do it.

I often think about if he ever thinks about me.

this is getting old of course and i wish i could stop.

I wish i had a way to finally say he will not ever have an affect on me anymore.

If anyone knows the song by Garth Brooks, called ';more than a memory';. that fits me to a tea.

so what is your thoughts on this.How do you deal with still having feelings for your ex.?
I had the same problem! First you have to move on with your life and find someone who will make you happy, because he is probably happy with someone else! Even if you don't want a relationship find a friend to chill with or even a hobby to keep you busy and keep your mind off him. You have to move on one day. If its hard to be friends them let him go you have to do whats best for you.How do you deal with still having feelings for your ex.?
I have a similar situation. I've been married 3 years, with my husband for 5, and I still have dreams about an ex boyfriend who I broke up with now 8 years ago. It is so strange. I don't even want to be with him but I get these strange dreams.

Try to take your mind off it and don't read into it, focus instead on your marriage - but when you do think of him, always wish him well.
Do what I did.

Remember the reasons he is your ex. Your concentrating on the good things. Well stop that.

Try and focus on all the bad things. That sure changed me. Think of the worst times. The times he really treated you like crap.

But listen. 14 years? wow. You should be over him by now. What's with you? You must still see him sometimes or something is keeping him fresh in your mind. Children? Same town? Something is..
u sound like me. trying to forget my ex husband now. divorce over a 1yr and we did try again.. but guess what.. it got worst..

Don't do it. its so true what people are saying don't go back to an EX.. u will get hurt and it won't work out.. i cried more and more.. he got worst with me.. and now he wants to control me.. it hurts

So i call it quits.. do it for your heart.. go out that helps..

best luck.. me and u in the same boat girl
To you he is the one that got away. All I can tell you is focus on all of his bad qualities, and everything he did wrong to you. Keep telling yourself all of these things and eventually you will believe it.
By acknowleging that your marriage vows were supposed to be for life, and there is a deep karma that exists.

You both should revoke your ';moved on'; condition IF POSSIBLE, and reconcile.
u should contact him. hang out. go for coffee. sometimes ppl are destined to be together. maybe u guys just needed a break. u will forever wonder what if.....pick up the phone and call him. how do u know hes not wondering the same.......the worse that can happen, is he'll reject u, but is the risk worth it?

you never will. I know exactly what you mean. Its a little strange though that you were married and still feel this way. Normally ppl feel this way about brief relationships. Try to busy yourself physically, hopefully then your mind will follow.
me? have feelings for shrek?

Not a chance.

Answer: I don't have feelings for an ex, that's why she is an ex.
If neither of you are married, and you still think about him, then contact him.. The only thing in the way is pride.. If anything, you may resolve old hurts and gain some closure when you talk..
Was he your first love? If so that explains how you feel. You never get over your first love. You remember them forever.
throw out the Garth Brooks and get Kenny Chesney 'Better as a memory than as your man'; (youtube it if you dont know it.)

If he's not married let him know and if he is then you have to let it go.
Just accept it and move on.
thats a tuff one. good luck. life insurance seems to help me.
i feel the same with my 1st love
I shudder with disgust to even think about my ex wanting to get back together. Now I feel like vomiting.
After I divorced my ex-husband I got remarried, stayed married for ten years and really felt as if I made a mistake, as I still had strong feelings for my ex-hubby,so I confronted my ex-husband and told him how I still cared about him, etc, well after all these years we ended up back together, never in a million years would I have dreamed this would have happened, it just goes to show that one never knows what is in store for them in the future? By the way, I am happier then ever and I finally have a sense of balance in my life, it's great!!
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