Monday, August 16, 2010

How do u deal w/ your husbands difficult ex-wife?

They have shared custody of the children. I am there for the children more than she is. She refuses to speak to me when it comes to dealing with the children. Or anything at that. Any suggestions??How do u deal w/ your husbands difficult ex-wife?
Refuse to be victimized by her insecure hostility,be as gracious as possible,continue your wonderful care of the children and patiently wait for her to realize you are a permanant fixture.Pity her,maybe her guilt at knowing that you are more activley involved in their lives overcomes her.Make direct statements in speaking to her(nothing open ended),so you have been the adult,w/o expecting a response.How do u deal w/ your husbands difficult ex-wife?
Where is your husband when all of this is going on and why isn't he the one to speak to her? She's his ex, not yours and she's under no obligation to speak to you about anything.
yeah up there couldnt of said it any better
i agree with chacha and looking. This is your husband's arena. They are the parents, and the children's issues should be resolved between the two of them. Your role as a stepmother is to help your husband in his role as father.

The worst thing you can do for yourself, the children and everyone else is to do anything to insert yourself between the two parents.
Be a bigger woman than her.Dont be rude, dont get in the middle of their parental thing.Continue doing what you do. SHe may just be jealous that you have him and hasnt moved on..Kill her with kindness, when she sees that her kids are happy with you, hopefully she will come around.
She refuses to speak to you because you are not a parent of her children, and she had no control over your ';appointment';. Sympathize with her having to share her kids with you. It will do a lot more than your obvious anger (if you really are interested in making things better)
Bottom line, THESE ARE NOT YOUR CHILDREN. Back off, you will never be their mother, don't try to be.

She didn't choose you to be in this position, so she doesn't trust you. Give her respect and let the father of her children work it out with her.
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